Huang, P.-S., Lee, W.-K., & Liu, C.-H.* (2023). Why do bystanders become bullies? The effect and mechanism of perceived reasonableness of netizens’ message on bystanders’ aggressive tendency. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 26(8), 613–620. (SSCI) (Supported by MOST 109-2410-H-011-003)
Huang, P.-S.*, Chung, S.-J., Liu, C.-H., &. Chen, P.-Z. (2023). Measuring Cognitive and Social Interactive Attributes of Digital Natives: Development and Validation of a Scale. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 130(4), 1732-1761. (SSCI)(Corresponding Author) (Supported by MOST 109-2410-H-011-003 and MOST 110-2410-H-011-024)
鍾世潤、黃博聖*(2022)。以面對面、Moodle、Office365進行課後活動對英文學習動機、學習成效及同儕互動之影響。教育科學研究期刊,67(4),1–34。〔Chung, S.-J., & Huang, P.-S. (2022). The Impact of Face-to-Face, Moodle and Office365 on English Learning Motivation, Learning Achievement and Peer Interaction through After-School Activities. Journal of Research in Education Sciences, 67(4), 1–34. (SCOPUS/TSSCI)〕
Liu, C.-H.*, Yin, X.-R., & Huang, P.-S. (2021). Cyberbullying: Effect of Emergency Perception on the Helping Tendencies of Bystanders. Telematics and Informatics, 62(7), 101627. (SSCI)
陳秀玲、黃博聖、蘇筑筠(2021)。創造思考教學方案對高職生創造思考能力之效果與團體歷程分析。教育科學研究期刊,66(3),279–303。〔Chen, H.-L., Huang, P.-S., & Su, C.-Y. (2021). Designing a Vocational High School Instructional Program for Enhancing Creativity: Effects on Creative Thinking and Group Process Analysis. Journal of Research in Education Sciences, 66(3), 279–303. (SCOPUS/TSSCI)〕
Liu, C.-H., Huang, P.-S.*, Yin, X.-R., & Chiu, F.-C. (2021). Effects of Attribute Affirmation and Achievement Goals on High School Students’ Motivation. Frontiers in Psychology, 12: 661668. (SSCI) (Corresponding Author) (Supported by MOST 104-2410-H-364 -004)
陳姵臻、吳清麟、張雨霖、黃博聖、林緯倫、陳學志*(2021)。中文版遠距聯想測驗在創造力研究之應用:回顧與 展望。教育實踐與研究,34(1),1–44。(TSSCI)〔Chen, P.-Z., Wu, C.-L., Chang, Y.-L., Huang, P.-S., Lin, W.-L., & Chen, H.-C. (2021). The Application of the Chinese Version of Remote Associates Tests in Creativity Research: A Review and Prospect. Journal of Educational Practice and Research, 34(1), 1–44. (TSSCI)〕
陳姿安、黃博聖*(2021)。微課程對注意力與學習保留之影響。教育心理學報,52(4),885–908。 by MOST 109-2410-H-011-003)〔Chen, Z.-A., & Huang, P.-S. (2021). Effect of Micro-Courses on Learners’ Attention and Memory Retention. Bulletin of Educational Psychology, 52(4), 885–908. (SCOPUS/TSSCI)〕
Lai, Y.-C., Peng, S.-L., Huang, P.-S.*, & Chen, H.-C. (2021). The Impact of Affective States and Affective Shifts on Creative Ideation and Evaluation. Journal of Creative Behavior, 55(1), 130–144. (SSCI) (Supported by MOST 107-2410-H-011-029)
陳姵臻、黃博聖、陳學志、林緯倫*(2020)。青少年封閉式創造力潛能測量:「青少年版中文詞彙遠距聯想測驗」 之編製及信、效度研究。測驗學刊,67(3),167–190。(TSSCI)〔Chen, P.-Z., Huang, P.-S., Chen, H.-C., & Lin, W.-L. (2020). Assessing Adolescent's Closed-Ended Creative Potential: The Development of Chinese Word Remote Associates Test for Adolescent. Psychological Testing, 67(3), 167–190. (TSSCI)〕
朱紹盈、黃博聖*、張景媛、易烈瑜(2020)。優良醫學教師特質量表編製暨差異研究。教育心理學報,51(4),639–661。〔Chu, S.-Y., Huang, P.-S., Chang, C.-Y., & Yi, L.-Y. (2020). Development of Quality Scale for Outstanding Medical Educators and Analysis of Differences in Background Variables. Bulletin of Educational Psychology, 51(4), 639–661. (SCOPUS/TSSCI)〕
彭淑玲*、黃博聖、陳學志(2019)。學習情境中的個人成就目標與作弊接受度之關係:以學業自我效能為調節變項。教育科學研究期刊,64(4),101–127。〔Peng, S.-L., Huang, P.-S., & Chen, H.-C. (2019). Personal Achievement Goals and the Acceptability of Cheating in an Academic Context: The Moderating Role of Academic Self-Efficacy. Journal of Research in Education Sciences, 64(4), 101–127.(SCOPUS/TSSCI)〕
Liu, C.-H.*, Huang, P.-S., & Tzeng, J.-Y. (2019). When an Unfortunate Individual in a Social Incident is Cyberbullied by the Public, even Empathetic People can be Bystanders: The Role of Perception of Unusual Behaviors. Computers in Human Behavior, 93, 84–90. (SSCI)
Huang, P.-S.*, Liu, C.-H. & Chen, H.-C. (2019). Examining the Applicability of Representational Change Theory for Remote Associates Problem Solving with Eye Movement Evidence. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 31, 198-208. (Corresponding Author) (Supported by MOST 105-2410-H-364-006 and MOST 106-2410-H-364 -004-SSS)
Liu, C.-H.* & Huang, P.-S. (2019). Beneficial Effects of Self-Affirmation on Motivation and Performance Reduced in Students Hungry for Others’ Approval. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 56, 1–13. (SSCI)
Liu, C.-H. & Huang, P.-S.* (2018). Contingencies of Self-Worth on Positive and Negative Events and their Relationships to Depression. Frontiers in Psychology. 9:2372. (SSCI) (Corresponding Author)
Huang, P.-S., Liu, C.-H., Chen, H.-C.*, & Sommers, S. (2018). Attentional bias of students toward negative feedback in bad outcome situations: The mechanism of self-defense. Social Psychology of Education, 21(3), 565–583. (SSCI) (Supported by NSC 101 -2420-H-003-005-DR and MOST 104-2410-H-364 -004)
曾千芝、曾麗錚、黃博聖*(2017)。本國籍子女與新移民子女在數學成就與數學創造力的相關研究-以桃園地區 國小六年級生為例。創造學刊,8(2),1–17。(通訊作者)〔Tseng, C.-C., Tseng, L.-C., & Huang, P.-S. (2017). The Relationship between Mathematic Achievement and Mathematic Creativity among Native and Immigrant Sixth Grade Students of Taoyuan City. Journal of Chinese Creativity, 8(2), 1–17. 〕
羅珮文、游勝翔、黃博聖、陳學志、施依伶、林緯倫*(2017)。兒童封閉式創造力潛能測量:「兒童版中文詞彙 遠距聯想測驗」之編製及信、效度研究。測驗學刊,64(3),237–258。(TSSCI)〔Lo, P.-W., Yu, S.-H., Huang, P.-S., Chen, H.-C., Shih, Y.-L., & Lin, W.-L. (2017). Assessing Children's Closed-ended Creative Potential: The Development of Chinese Word Remote Associates Test for Children. Psychological Testing, 64(3), 237–258. (TSSCI)〕
Huang, P.-S.*, Peng, S.-L., Chen, H.-C., Tseng, L.-C., & Hsu, L.-C. (2017). The relative influences of domain knowledge and domain-general divergent thinking on scientific creativity and mathematical creativity. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 25, 1–9. (SSCI) (Supported by MOST 103- 2410-H-364-002 and 104-2410-H-364 -004)
Huang, P.-S. (2017). An Exploratory Study on Remote Associates Problem Solving: Evidence of Eye Movement Indicators. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 24, 63–72. (SSCI) (Supported by MOST 103-2410-H-364-002 and 105-2410-H-364-006)
黃博聖、劉政宏、陳學志*(2017)。不同結果狀態對正、負向回饋的注意與回憶效果。教育心理學報,48(4), 469–486。 by NSC 101-2420-H-003- 005-DR)〔Huang, P.-S., Liu, C.-H., & Chen, H.-C. (2017). The influence of Outcome Status on the attending and memory of positive and negative feedback. Bulletin of Educational Psychology, 48(4), 469–486. (SCOPUS/TSSCI)〕
Hung, S.-P., Huang, P.-S., Chen, H.-C. (2016). Cognitive Complexity in the Remote Association Test - Chinese Version. Creativity Research Journal, 28(4), 442–449. (SSCI)
Huang, P.-S., & Chen, H.-C. (2016). Gender Differences in Eye Movements in Solving Text-and-Diagram Science Problems. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 14(2), 327–346. (SSCI) (Supported by NSC 97-2511-S-003-035- MY2)
Liu, C. H., Huang, P. S., Chang, J. H., Lin, C. Y., & Huang, C. C. (2016). Helpful or unhelpful? Self-affirmation on challenge-confronting tendencies for students who fear being laughed at. Learning and Individual Differences, 45, 43–52. (SSCI).
Liu, C. H., Lee, H. W., Huang, P. S., Chen, H. C., & Sommers, S. (2016). Do incompatible arguments cause extensive processing in the evaluation of arguments? The role of congruence between argument compatibility and argument quality. British Journal of Psychology, 107(1), 179–198. (SSCI)
彭淑玲、陳學志、黃博聖*(2015)。當數學遇上創造力:數學創造力測量工具的發展。創造學刊,6(1),83–107。(通訊作者)〔Peng, S.-L., Chen, H.-C., & Huang, P.-S. (2015). When Mathematics Encounters Creativity: The Development of a Measuring Tool for Mathematical Creativity. Journal of Chinese Creativity, 6(1), 83–107.〕
劉政宏、李依齡、李維光、黃博聖(2013)。害怕被嘲笑對國中生迎接挑戰傾向的影響:智力自我理論的調節效果。教育心理學報,44(3),691–711。〔Liu, C.-H., Lee, Y.-L., Lee, W.-K., Huang, P.-S. (2013). The Influence of the Fear of Being Laughed at on Challenge-Confronting Tendencies among Junior High School Students: The Moderating Effect of Self-Theories of Intelligence. Bulletin of Educational Psychology, 44(3), 691–711. (SCOPUS/TSSCI) 〕
黃博聖、陳學志、劉政宏(2012)。中文詞彙遠距聯想測驗之編製及其信、效度報告。測驗學刊,59(4),581– 607。(TSSCI)〔Huang, P.-S., Chen, H.-C., & Liu, C.-H. (2012). The Development of Chinese Word Remote Associates Test for College Students. Psychological Testing, 59(4), 581–607. (TSSCI)〕
劉政宏、黃博聖、蘇嘉鈴、陳學志、吳有城(2010)。國中小學習動機量表之編製及其信、效度研究。測驗學刊,57(3),371–402。(TSSCI)〔Liu, C.-H., Huang, P.-S., Su, C.-L., Chen, H.-C., & Wu, Y.-C. (2010). The Development of Learning Motivation Scale for Primary and Junior High School Students. Psychological Testing, 57(3), 371–402. (TSSCI) 〕
黃博聖、陳學志、黃鴻程、劉政宏(2009)。詞彙聯想策略擴散性思考測驗之編製。測驗學刊,56(2),153– 177。(TSSCI)〔Huang, P.-S., Chen, H.-C., Huang, H.-C., & Liu, C.-H. (2009). The Development of Divergent Thinking Test of Word Associative Strategy (DTTWAS). Psychological Testing, 56(2), 153–177. (TSSCI)〕
劉政宏、張文哲、陳學志、黃博聖(2008)。你贊成或反對立場對立者的論點?立場對立情境之論點贊否模式(CSAAM)。中華心理學刊,50(3),327–346。〔Liu, C.-H., Chang, W.-J., Chen, H.-C., Huang, P.-S. (2008). Do You Agree with the Arguments of Counterpositional Communicators? An Arguments Agreement/Disagreement Model of a Counterpositional Situation (CSAAM). Chinese Journal of Psychology, 50(3), 327–346. (TSSCI)〕
Liu, C.-H., Chen, C.-K. & Huang, P.-S. (2019, July). Effects of Self-Affirmation and Performance-Approach goals on High School Students’ Motivation on the Challenging Learning Task. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the 3rd International Conference on Education and Multimedia Technology (ICEMT 2019). Nagoya, Japan. (July 22-25) (2019/7/23)
Huang, P.-S. & Liu, C.-H. (2019, July). The development of item bank for remote associate problems and the examination of its solving process. Paper presented at the International Conference on Education, Psychology and Social Studies (ICEPS 2019), Hokkaido, Japan. (July 16-18). (2019/7/17)
陳姵臻、施依伶、黃博聖、陳學志、林緯倫(2018, 10月)。青少年封閉式創造力潛能測量:「青少年版中文詞彙遠 距聯想測驗」之編製及信效度研究。第十三屆海峽兩岸心理與教育測驗學術研討會暨中國測驗學會年會。南 投:日月潭教師會館長榮大學。(2018/10/21)
洪素蘋、陳柏熹、陳學志、黃博聖(2018, 10月)。試題反應理論在創造力評量的應用。2018 台灣心理學會第五十 七屆年會。台南:長榮大學。(2018/10/14)
Peng, S.-L., Huang, P.-S., & Hu, J.-F. (2018, Aug.). Personal achievement goals and the perceived acceptability of cheating in an academic context: the moderating role of self-efficacy. Paper presented at the annual meeting of 2018 American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Convention. San Francisco, CA, USA.
Liu, C.-H. & Huang, P.-S. (2018, Aug.). The effect of self-affirmation on motivation and performance of students
who seek others' approval. Paper presented at the annual meeting of 2018 American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Convention. San Francisco, CA, USA. (2018/8/9-12)
Huang, P.-S., Peng, S.-L., Hu, J.-F., & Liu, C.-H. (2018, July). Examining the Representational Change Theory
on the interpretation of Remote Associates Problem Solving. Paper presented at the 40th Annual Meeting
of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2018), Wisconsin, USA. (July 25-28). (2018/7/26)
Hu, J.-F., Peng, S.-L., & Huang, P.-S. (2018, July). The Effect of Facial Expression Bearer’s Gender on the Assimilation for Emotion Judgement. Paper presented at the 40th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2018), Wisconsin, USA. (July 25-28). (2018/7/26)
賴昱君、黃博聖、彭淑玲(2017, 12月)。概念發想與概念評鑑之影響因素-情緒轉換與解題時間的效果。2017年中 華創造學會年會。臺北:國立台灣師範大學。(2017/12/9)
賴昱君、彭淑玲、黃博聖(2017, 10月)。不同情緒轉換組別與解題時期對擴散性思考之影響。2017 台灣心理學會 第五十六屆年會。嘉義:中正大學。(2017/10/15)
Huang, P.-S., Peng, S.-L., & Hu, J.-F. (2017, July). An Exploratory Study on Remote Associates Problem Solving: Evidence of Eye Movement Indicators. Paper presented at the 39th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2017), London, England. (July 26-29). (2017/7/28)
杜智琇、黃博聖*(2016, 12月)。創造性戲劇教學對幼兒創造力表現之影響-以桃園地區為例。2016年中華創造學會 年會。臺北:國立台灣師範大學(2016/12/17)。
Liu, C.-H., Huang, P. S., Huang, C. C., Lin, C. Y., & Chang, J. H. (2016, July). Helpful or Unhelpful? Self-Affirmation on Challenge-Confronting Tendencies for Students Who Fear Being Laughed at. Paper presented at the annual meeting of 31st International Congress of Psychology 2016 (ICP2016), Yokohama, Japan. (July 24-29). (2016/7/27)
Huang, P.-S., Hsu, L.-C., & Peng, S.-L. (2016, Feb. 2). The relationship among science performance, science creativity and parenting style in immigrant and native 6th Grade elementary school students. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the 4th International Conference on Education, Psychology and Society (ICEEPS), Fukuoka, Japan. (2016/2/2)
Chang, H.-J., Peng, S.-L., & Huang, P.-S. (2015, Aug.). The Impact of Success/Failure Conditions on the Emotions of the Test Process of Action/State-Oriented Subjects. Paper presented at the annual meeting of 2015 American Psychological Association (APA) Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (2015/8/6-9)
Huang, P.-S., Chen, H.-C., & Peng, S.-L. (2015, July). The development of Insightful Remote Association Test
in Chinese Version. Paper presented at the annual meeting of 13th European Conference on Psychological Assessment (ECPA), Zurich, Switzerland. (2015/7/24)
黃博聖、曾奕樹(2015,5月)。高齡者在創意認知層面與情意層面的發展趨勢以及其與心理健康之關係。2015年 「心理、科技、跨領域」研討會暨工作坊─教學、傳播、運動與設計的匯流。新竹:玄奘大學。(2015/5/16)Huang, P.-S., Chen, H.-C., Liu, C.-H., & Peng, S.-L. (2014, August). Self-affirmation enhances the processing of negative feedback under a bad outcome situation. Paper presented at the annual meeting of 2014 American Psychological Association (APA) Conference, Washington, USA. (2014/8/7)
Chen, Y.-C., Cheng, C.-M., Chen, H.-C., Huang, C.-L., Peng, S.-L., Huang, P.-S., & Hu, J.-F. (2014, July). Situation property and false memory: An investigation into metacognitive monitoring and time retention of DRM task. Paper presented at 36th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Quebec City, Canada. (2014/7/24)
黃博聖、陳學志、劉政宏(2014,5月)。結果價性對於正、負向回饋處理的影響-以眼動儀為工具。2014年暴力與 毒品犯罪心理與矯治兩岸/國際學術研討會。新竹:玄奘大學。(2015/5/22)
Peng, S.-L., Cherng, B.-L., Huang, P.-S., & Hu, J.-F. (2014, April). Motivation and Creativity: The Relationship between Personal Goal Orientation and Creativity. Paper presented at the annual meeting of 2014 International Symposium on Education and Psychology, Nagoya, Japan. (2014/4/3)
Huang, P.-S., Chen, H.-C., & Liu, C.-H. (2013, Aug. 3). The influence of Expectancy and Outcome Valence on the accessibility of Feedback. Paper presented at the annual meeting of 2013 American Psychological Association (APA) Conference, Hawaii, USA. (7/31-8/4)
Huang, P.-S., Chen, H.-C., & Peng, S.-L. (2013, July 18). Gender differences of eye movement used to solve Text- and-Diagram-Problems for Science. Paper presented at the 12th European Conference on Psychological Assessment (ECPA12), San Sebastian, Spain. (7/17-7/20)
Liu, C.-H., Lee, H.-W., Huang, P.–S., Chen, H.-C., & Sommers, S. (2012, August). Incongruity between Argument Compatibility and Argument Quality Causes Extensive Compromising Processing. Paper presented at the annual meeting of 2012 American Psychological Association (APA) Conference, Orlando, USA.
張曉敏、陳學志、黃博聖、張雨霖(2011)。漢字圖形創造力測驗之編製。中國測驗學會2011年會暨心理與教育測 驗學術研討會,台北:師範大學教育大樓。(2011/10/22)
Hung, S.-P., Chen, H.-C. & Huang, P.–S. (2011, April). Examining the psychometric properties of RAT-Chinese version with Rasch Model. Paper presented at the 2011 annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
李依齡、劉政宏、李維光、黃博聖(2010)。能力信念在害怕被嘲笑與迎接挑戰關係間的調節效果。第49屆台灣心 理學年會,嘉義,中正大學,2010年11月7日。
黃博聖、陳學志、洪素蘋(2010)。中文詞彙遠距聯想量表之編製與信效度報告。第九屆海峽兩岸心理與教育 測驗暨2010 NAER「永續教育發展-創新與實踐」國際學術研討會,台北:國家教育研究院籌備處,2010年10 月22日。
教育測驗暨2010 NAER「永續教育發展-創新與實踐」國際學術研討會,台北:國家教育研究院籌備處,2010年 10月22日。
張瓅勻、陳學志、黃博聖(2010)。華裔學生在中文字形構和部件位置判斷作業之表現。2010年「華語教與學」國 際學術研討會,台北:國立台灣師範大學,2010年9月3日。
黃博聖、洪素蘋、陳學志(2009)。中文詞彙遠距聯想量表之試題分析報告。中國測驗學會2009年年會暨學術研討 會,台北:師範大學教育大樓,2009年10月24日(壁報論文)。
陳學志、林正昌、黃博聖、蘇嘉鈴(2009)。國中生自然成就表現之性別差異研究-以基測試題與自編圖文對應試題 為例。台灣心理學會,台北,國立臺灣大學心理系館,2009年9月26日。
黃博聖、陳怡潔、劉皓敏、陳學志(2002)。新編中文遠距聯想量表--如何避免知識與策略因素之介入。中國 測驗學會2002年會暨教育與心理測驗學術研討會,台北:師範大學教育大樓,2002年11月2日。
黃博聖(2013)。預期一致性、結果價性與自我肯定對正、負向回饋的處理與回憶效果(未出版之博士論文)。國立 臺灣師範大學教育心理與輔導所,台北市。